A Place in Mound

Let's make Mound the place to be! We have great events and locations that need support and be strengthened. It's up to us to make Mound a Strong Town, with Complete Streets, and to have Better Blocks. We want Mound to be a place to drive to, not drive through!

Well… at least we’re not Navarre…

on August 29, 2012

Thanks to a Navarre Community group, Hennepin County came to ask questions and take input for planning the county’s first Pedestrian Plan. They started from broad issues, and then narrowed it down to specifics. It was nice to visit and talk with some other Mound citizens about our issues, as well as hear from folks from Navarre, Minnetonka Beach and Excelsior. If you cannot make a meeting, they do have an online survey you should fill out.

As I introduced myself from Mound, some folks were quite complementary about the downtown development of Mound and saying how lucky we are to have Shoreline Dr moved, as it was up to Lynwood. I kept wanting to say, “Yeah, but…” but then I realized what a lot of these folks were comparing it to their own situation, especially in Navarre.

Where the cars used to drive through.

I actually biked to the meeting, held at the Freshwater Society, and so I got off the trail, went South on 19  through the 15/19 intersection, and had to cross 19. Not a pleasant experience. And there was no shortage of Navarre folks with comments about trying to walk from Lunds to D’vinccis. It is terrible.

So please, let me take a moment to praise our city staff and council for their work in setting up a downtown that won’t have pedestrians dodging cars. It’s so easy to get frustrated when dealing with obstacles, and I have been pretty rough on them when writing here. The Mound city staff and council really do want what’s best for Mound, and have those interests at their heart.

On street parking, permitted on Commerce near Langdon Lake Apartments

I still believe we could do many things better of course, and will continue to push for simple, easy ways to make Mound a better place. Yes, we aren’t as bad a Navarre, but we got a long way to go still.

Why put a streetlight in the middle of a sidewalk?

2 responses to “Well… at least we’re not Navarre…

  1. Mike Michalk says:

    Thanks for posting the survey – I took it and put it on the Mt. Olive FB page.

  2. Good… it would be great to get LOTS of Mound opinions on there.

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